Sheep Pillow / Ovca jastučić
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sheep pillow and pillowcase by ana@carpe_diem |
Koliko ja kaaaaasnim sa ovim postom!
Našla sam prekrasnu malu ovčicu od filca na Carininom blogu prije 2 godine
i pomislila kako bi krasan jastučić to mogao biti za moju nećakinju i za kćer moje prijateljice koja voli ovčice.
Odmah sam kupila bijeli flanel i počela raditi na tome.
Ali, neki neplanirani događaji su odgodili završetak ovih jastučića sve do prošle godine.
I tek sad, nakon godinu dana, sam stigla srediti fotografije i napisati post.
Eh, bolje ikad, nego nikad...
This post is sooooo over due!
I have found this cute little felt sheep on Carina's blog two years ago and fell in love with it.
I have decided to make a pillow similar to her pattern.
I have thought it would made a great Easter present for my niece and for my friend's daughter.
I got some white flannel and I started working on it right away.
But, some unexpected occasions messed up my plan
so I got to finish this project a year later.
That was last year!
And I didn't come around to arrange my photos and write a post untill now.
Oh, well... better late then never...
Moja inspiracija:
This is my inspiration:
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Rukom sam nacrtala kroj na papiru i izrezala ga.
I have free hand sketched this pattern on the paper and cut it off.
Lice i uši sam skrojila od materijala boje kože, sašila,
preokrenula na pravu stranu i napunila vatelinom.
I have tailored the face and ears with skin toned fabric,
sew it, turned it over and stuffed with pillow stuffing.
Nožice su u dvije boje, također napunjene vatelinom.
Sheep feet are in two shades of brown, also stuffed.
Za ovaj jastučić je potrebno napraviti 2 jastuka i pripadajuće navlake.
Za potrebe jastuka, staviti dva sloja bijelog platna jedan na drugi, a na njih kroj tijela ovce.
Lagano iscrtati konture kroja olovkom.
Spojiti platno jedan za drugi pribadačama,
prošiti mašinom po označenim konturama i izrezati višak materijala.
For this sheep pillow it is necessary to make 2 pillow and 2 covers
For the purposes of the pillow, put two layers of white fabric on top of each other, and to lay paper pattern of sheep body on them, too.
Lightly draw the outlines of the pattern with a pencil.
Secure fabric to each other with pins,
For the purposes of the pillow, put two layers of white fabric on top of each other, and to lay paper pattern of sheep body on them, too.
Lightly draw the outlines of the pattern with a pencil.
Secure fabric to each other with pins,
machine sew on marked contours and cut off the excess fabric.
Ovo je jastuk koji ćemo poslije napuniti vatelinom.
Primjećujete da nije simetričan - tako sam ja htjela napraviti.
This is the future pillow-to-be.
You can notice that it isn't symmetrical - I wanted it to be so.
Ostavite mali otvor gdje će se puniti vatelinom,
preokrenite ga i napunite.
Leave a small openning for stuffing,
turn it over and stuff it.
Naravno, morat ćete napraviti i jedan manji jastučić za "kosu".
Kad ste ih napunili, zašijte otvor ručno.
Of course, you have to make a smaller pillow, too, sheep "hair".
When you stuff both of pillows, handstitch the openings.
Sad ćemo napraviti jastučnice!
Let's make pillow cases now!
Potrebna su dva komada flanela kojima ćete obraditi rubove i posložiti ih kao što je prikazano na fotografiji. To će biti donji dio jastučnice kroz koji će se umetati jastuk.
It requires two pieces of flannel, process the edges and arrange them as shown in the photograph. This will be the bottom of the pillowcase, you will insert the pillow through.
Stavite još jedan sloj flanela na prethodna dva,
prislonite kroj, iscrtajte konture olovkom, pričvrstite pribadačama.
Lay another layer of flannel to the previous two,
lay the paper pattern, draw the contours with a pencil, attach pins.
lay the paper pattern, draw the contours with a pencil, attach pins.
Kad radite jastučnicu za ovčju "kosu", slobodno odmah prošijte kroj.
Ako radite ovčje tijelo, potreban je još jedan korak.
If you are working on sheep "hair", machine sew it right away.
If you are working on sheep body, there is one more step to follow.
Ovčje nožice zašijte da vatelin ne ispada.
Sew sheep feet so stuffing doesn't come out.
U ovom momentu, tijelo ovce ima nacrtane konture, ali još nije prošiveno.
S donje strane kroja umetnite noge, tako da se većinom nalaze u unutrašnjosti jastučnice.
At this point, sheep body has its countures on flannel, but it is not sewn yet.
Insert sheep feet at the bottom part of pillow case, so they are placed mostly in the inside.
Jedan dio mora viriti van kontura jer će se tu one prošiti.
One part lays outside of the contours because there is a sewing line.
Prošijte po iscrtanim konturama, preokrenite i -
evo nožica!
Sew along the line, turn it over and -
there's sheep feet!
Na jastučnicu koja predstavlja tijelo namjestiti glavu i uši ovce,
prošijte mašinom. Nije važno ako ne izgleda baš jako uredno, ti se prošivi neće vidjeti.
Arrange the sheep head and ears on body pillow case,
machine sew it. It doesn't metter if the sewing lines are not very neat, they won't be seen later on.
Iznad glave se namjesti i jastučnica koja predstavlja kosu ovce,
isto se mašinski prošije koristeći onaj otvor sa zadnje strane.
Možete prošiti još jednu liniju iznad, tako da se vrh lica skroz sakrije.
Place the sheep hair over the top of sheep face and machine sew it
using the pillow case opening on the opposite side.
You can sew additional line above it, so you hide the top of the sheep face completely.
Sad je sve lijepo i uredno.
Everything is neat now.
Umetnite jastučiće u jastučnice,
dakle, i tijelo i kosu.
Insert pillows into pillow cases,
both body and hair.
Za oči sam koristila okrugle smeđe botune,
a za nos četvrtastog jer nisam mogla naći botunčić u obliku trokuta.
I have used round brown buttons for sheep eyes,
and square one for nose beacuse I couldn't find triangle one.
Ispod ovčje glavice sam sašila žutu mašnu i mali zvončić.
To je nešto što bi svaka ovčica trebala imati, zar ne? :)
Zvončić je, ustvari, božićni ornament sa bora.
Underneath sheep head I have handstitched yellow bow and little bell.
That's something that every little sheep sould be wearing, don't you think? :)
This bell is actually Christmas tree ornament.
I, evo je, gotova ovčica!
Kad se ovčica poželi oprati, potrebno je izvaditi dva jastučića iz nje, a ostalo ide u mašinu.
Dobro, možda bi se i zvono trebalo skinuti, ali nije ga problem ponovo zašiti.
And, here it is, little sheep is finished!
Once you want to wash the cover, you need to take out two little pillows
and the rest goes to the washing machine.
Okey, maybe you need to take off the bell, too, but it is not problem to stitch it back on.
Kako vam se sviđa ova napravi-sam ovčica?
How do you like this DIY little sheep?
My DIY Sheep Pillow and Pillowcase was featured at:
Thank you!
Super cute Easter pillow! Love it! Thanks for sharing tutorial!
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter to you and family!
Hugs and love from Portugal,
Ana Love Craft
Thank you, Ana! I wish you all the best, too! Have a great holiday!
DeleteÉ Páscoa! Cristo está vivo, o túmulo está vazio, Ele ressuscitou!!! A mais bela festa dos Cristãos.
ReplyDeleteCrentes no Amor de Deus Pai que nos deu seu Filho Jesus Cristo que permanece conosco pela força do
Espírito Santos, seguimos nossa caminhada na construção de um mundo mais justo, fraterno, humano,
harmonioso e de doação.
Todos somos promotores da Paz!
Feliz, Santa e Abençoada Páscoa.
Um doce abraço, Marie.
Uvek pomislim koliko si strpljiva, pedantna i spretna s šivenjem.. Svaka čast! Opet remek delo..
ReplyDeleteniti blizu mirnoći tvoje ruke kad radiš preljeve za keksiće, to znaaaaam
DeleteSo cute! My daughter would love one of these any day!
ReplyDeleteIf you have time, I would love for you to come and share this post over at the Really Crafty link party that is live right now!
Thank you for linking up! Pinned!
DeleteCute sheep pillow and great tutorial! Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!!
ReplyDeleteThis is such a cute project. We Greek Orthodox have Easter coming up next month, we are so late, and this would be perfect for a gift. Great tutorial Ana!