Od maslina do maslinovog ulja / From Olives To Olive Oil
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From Olives To Olive Oil |
Prošli tjedna sam vam pokazala kako je izgledala naša ovogodišnja berba maslina,
a sada se spremite na puno slika prerade tih istih maslina.
Usput ću probati i objasniti put od maslina do maslinovog ulja.
Last week I shared a post about this year's olive gathering.
This time prepare yourself for lots of photos that will show you how olives are being processed.
Along the way, I will try to explain the production of olive oil.
Ovo je fotografija displaya u uljari,
mislila sam da ću pomoću ovog prikaza lakše objasniti proces proizvodnje maslinovog ulja.
This is a photo of Oil Mill display,
I thought that this way I could explain the production process easier.
U prvoj fazi se masline peru, melju i miješaju.
In first phase olives are being washed, grounded into a paste and blended.
Prva je postaja vaga.
Masline se u uljaru dovoze u vrećema i vagaju se.
First station is the scale.
Olives are delivered in sackets and are being scaled here.
Tada se iz vreća ubacuju u ovaj spremnik.
Then are being put from the sackets into this container.
Elevatorom se prebacuju dalje, na pranje.
Elevator is taking olives further, into washing area.
Operu se vodom,
Olives are washed with water,
skupljaju se u ovaj spremnik,
collect into this container,
i dalje odvode na mljevenje.
and take off to the grounding area.
Ovdje se masline melju u pastu.
Olives are being grounded into a paste here.
Ovako izgleda pasta od maslina,
njom se napune mikseri.
This is how olive paste looks like,
blenders are being filled with it.
Ovo je mikser,
u njemu se pasta miješa i miješa i miješa.
Dodaje se i voda koja ubrzava i olakšava proces.
This is the blender,
it blends (stirs, mixes) the olive paste for some time.
Water is added, too, to accelerate and facilitate the process.
Razlog miješanju je taj da se izluče čestice ulja koje su prvotno male,
ali se stalnim mješanjem vezuju jedna sa drugom i tako povećavaju.
The main reason why the olive paste is being stirred for long
is that oil particles, which are tiny at the beginning, are binding together
during this period and become bigger that way.
Ovo je druga faza proizvodnje ulja,
ovdje se pasta odvodi do centrifuge gdje se odvaja ulje od otpada.
This is second phase of oil production,
now the paste is taken to the centrifugal machine where oil is separated from the waste.
Ovo je centrufuga.
This is centrifugal machine.
Ovo je ulje, doduše ne kao konačan proizvod,
već pomiješano sa vodom.
This is oil, not in form of final product,
but mixed with water.
već pomiješano sa vodom.
This is oil, not in form of final product,
but mixed with water.
A ovo je otpad.
This is the waste.
Otpad se elevatorm odvodi iz pogona.
The waste is taken off the operation by elevator.
The waste is taken off the operation by elevator.
Otpad (durvine) se sastoji od koštice i kože ploda masline.
Može se koristiti kao gnojivo u poljima, može se koristiti za potpalu,
a postoje i tehnologije koje iz njega mogu iscjediti još maslinovog ulja
(pošto je još dosta masno),
ali takvo ulje mora biti posebno deklarirano.
The waste is formed from olives' pit (kernel) and skin.
It can be used as fertilizer, for fire ignition,
but there are technologies that can extract some more of olive oil out of it
(since the waist is quite greasy),
but such oil must be properly declared/labeled.
U zadnjoj fazi se ulje odvaja od vode.
In last phase, oil is being separated from the water.
Ovo je separator.
This is the separator.
Separator odvaja vodu...
It separates the water...
... od ulja.
... from the oil.
I, evo ga! Maslinovo ulje!
And here it is! Olive oil!
Teče i teče i teče :)
And it flows and flows and flows :)
And it flows and flows and flows :)
Sad je vrijeme da se izvaže ambalaža u koju će se ulje uliti.
Težina ovih posuda će se odbiti od težine istih posuda napunjenih uljem
Tako ćemo znati koliko smo ulja dobili.
Now it is time to scale the oil containers.
The weight of this containers is going to be subtract from the weight when they are full of oil.
That's how we can know how much of olive oil we get at the end.
Mama koristi ove aluminijske i plastične posude
za prevoz do kuće.
My Mom uses these alluminum and plastic containers to deliver the oil home.
Kući se maslinovo ulje pretoči u rostfraj bačve.
Tako se maslinovo ulje može održati svježim nekoliko godina.
Premda mi proizvedemo ulja za potrebe obitelji za jednu godinu, možda dvije.
At home, olive oil is being stored in steinless steel barrels.
That's how olive oil get fresh for couple of years, if needed.
But, we usually produce enough for one year of family needs, maybe two.
Kad je ulje prestalo curiti,
ponovno smo izvagali sve posude napunjene uljem.
Od te težine smo oduzeli težinu praznih posuda.
Na taj način dobijemo težinu dobivenog ulja u kilogramima.
Te kilograme podijelimo sa koeficijentom 0,92 i dobijemo količinu ulja izraženu u litrama.
Dakle, 1 kg ulja ima 1,087 litara, odnosno,
1 litra maslinovog ulja teži 0,92 kg.
When the olive oil stopped leaking,
we scaled the containers filled with oil and subtracted the weight of empty containers.
Then we get the weight of olive oil itself, measured in kilograms.
When those kilograms are being devided with the coefficient 0,92,
we get the amount of olive oil expressed in liters.
So, 1 kg (kilogram) of olive oil has 1,087 l (liter), or,
1 l (liter) of olive oil has 0,92 kg (kilograms).
Maslinovo ulje, tekuće zlato. Olive oil, liquid gold.
Maslinovo ulje koristimo skoro svakodnevno u našoj prehrani, nedvojbena je njegova prehrambena vrijednost, a u prošlosti se čak koristilo i kao sredstvo za plaćanje.
Nadam se da sam ovim postom uspjela objasniti proizvodnju maslinovog ulja.
Naravno, nisam profesionalac, pa nije bilo smisla niti koristiti neke stručne nazive koje sam mogla kopirati sa drugih izvora. Cilj mi je bio prikazati ovogodišnju preradu maslina u mojoj obitelji i približiti vam donekle neke običaje koje njegujemo.
Olive oil is used almost daily in our diet, unambiguous is its nutritional value,
and in the past it was even used as a means of payment.
I hope I managed to explain the production of olive oil with this post.
Of course, I'm not a pro, so there was no sense to use some technical terms that I could copy from other sources. My goal was to show this year's olive processing in my family and bring to you some traditions that we cherish.
I hope I managed to explain the production of olive oil with this post.
Of course, I'm not a pro, so there was no sense to use some technical terms that I could copy from other sources. My goal was to show this year's olive processing in my family and bring to you some traditions that we cherish.
Moja prijateljica Meeha je bila prilično iznenađena starošću našeg maslinika.
Za stablo masline bi slobodno mogli reći da je neuništivo,
iz malog dijela korijena može narasti novo stablo.
A ovo su 2 najstarije masline u Hrvatskoj,
prema njima su naše još bebice :)
My friend Meeha was genuinly surprised when she read how old our olive trees are.
You can feel fee to say that olive tree is indestructible,
new tree can sprout form the smallest part of the root.
And here are photos of 2 of the oldest olive trees in Croatia,
according to them our olive trees are still babies :)
Za stablo masline bi slobodno mogli reći da je neuništivo,
iz malog dijela korijena može narasti novo stablo.
A ovo su 2 najstarije masline u Hrvatskoj,
prema njima su naše još bebice :)
My friend Meeha was genuinly surprised when she read how old our olive trees are.
You can feel fee to say that olive tree is indestructible,
new tree can sprout form the smallest part of the root.
And here are photos of 2 of the oldest olive trees in Croatia,
according to them our olive trees are still babies :)
Da li i vi koristite maslinovo ulje?
How about you?
Do you like olive oil, do you use it in your diet?
And how my family had gathered all of these olives,
read HERE
This post was featured at
Thank you!!
Koristim, kako ne ?! Ne u količinama koje koristiš ti i svi oni koji žive na podneblju gde one uspevaju, ali....koristim. Ovde raste suncokret, pa je sasvim normalno da više koristimo njegovo ulje, a ruku na srce - mnogo je jeftinije.Međutim, neka jela je nezamislivo praviti na njemu, pogotovo ona koja nam dolaze sa mora. Može to da se izvede, ali...nije to onda to ;)
ReplyDeletetočno, neko jelo baš "zove" maslinovo ulje.
Deleteja sam ovog ljeta posadila 30 suncokreta, pita me muž što će mi toliko komada, "raditi ću ulje" haha
ponekad koristim, dosta je skupo za naš đeparac :D
ReplyDeleteJako dugačak proces dobivanja tog ulja ali ima i izuzetan okus ..
istina, skuplje je od ostalih, zato i imamo vlastite masline, pa kad ne računaš svoj rad, onda je prihvatljive cijene
DeleteDivan si post napravila! Dva proizvoda koje izdvajam od svih drugih su maslinovo ulje i med. Svaki na svoj našin su savršenstvo onog što priroda nudi. Maslinovo ulje sam počela koristiti tek kad sam došla u Italiju, prije dvadesetak godina i obožavam ga. Ovde se puno proizvodi i koristi, a cijene zavise od kvaliteta i vrste maslina.
ReplyDeletevolim i jedno i drugo!
Deleteja bih se usudila dodati još da cijena ulja ovisi o tehnologiji prerade, vremenu berbe i sl.
kod nas se sadi puno novih nasada, biti će ulja!
Od kada sam na terenskoj nastavi na koju smo išli sa fakultetom probala friško prešano maslinovo ulje više mi ni jedno kupovno u dućanu nije fino... taj trpki okus, miris sa laganom notom svježe pokošene trave i predivna boja zauvijek su ostali urezani u mom sjećanju...
ReplyDeleteDa li ti prodaješ svoje?
Mi smo već od dvojih ljudi uzeli domaće ali nije bilo dobro.... bilo je ustajalo pa samo odustali i sad tražimo nekog tko ima fino uljeko
ako je ustajalo, nije dobro skladišteno, maslinovo ulje može stajati koju godinu ako je smješteno u suhoj, hladnijoj, tamnijoj prostoriji, podrumu npr.
Deleteuvijek probaj prije kupnje, barem par kapi na bijelom tanjuriću
Predivan post si napravila, stvarno si se potrudila, jako poučno:)Uf, ja kao prava Dalmatinka obožavam maslinovo ulje i sve, ali baš sve radim s njime (dobro možda ne palačinke), i imam sreću da me moji doma s uljem snadbijevaju i, što nije nevažno, da i muž voli ulje kao i ja:)
ReplyDeletei ja isto, radim skoro sve sa maslinovim uljem, osim kolača, naravno :)
DeleteNuestro querido oro liquido.? Las fotografias trasmiten, son geniales. Ha estado un regalo el visitar tu bloc, es genial, te invito visitar el mio y si te gusta espero que te hagas seguidora.
Draga Ana, hvala na trudu, da nam slikom i rijecju opises cijeli proces dobivanja maslinovog ulja.
ReplyDeleteJa sam Slavonka, bilo mi je tesko se naviknuti na maslinovo ulje, ali postepeno sam uspjela i sad ga volim :)
ahaha, postala si Primorka, nema dvojbe!
DeleteNisi profesionalac!!??!! Nemojmo molim te onda ovde o ovome... to takvim nestručnim izrazima!!!;))))))))))))))
ReplyDeleteBravo,sad znam kako je nastalo ulje koje ja dobijem u kantici;**
ima tu nekih caka (kada se dodaje voda i koje temperature i sl), ali nije toliko važno, osim da ulje procuri na kraju :)
DeleteAna, thank you for the technical tour! As I work in advertising, I have visited many factories and workshops - big and small. I know how to make fruit jam, yogurt, flour and toothpaste, and now I know about olive oil, too! The whole world should know that olive oil is mono-saturated, which means that it helps your digestion and your health - so the more you eat, the better :)
ReplyDeleteI like this - when we can learn from each other :)
Deleteliquid gold is right!! we love using olive oil, not only in the kitchen but for lotions & creams too.
ReplyDeletereading your post makes me want to move to Croatia, Ana! Thank you for the tour, very informative!
hugs & blessings
sooo glad you liked this post :D
DeleteInteresantno i poucno. Hvala.
ReplyDeleteDa li ti znas koliko ja volim maslinovo ulje? A masline? Trudim se da uglavnom njega koristim. Mislim da ga ne koristim samo kada pecem palacinke :) Bilo mi je uzivanje videti proces nastajanja maslina. Pa vi imate citavu masineriju kuci? Kao sto ovde imaju za pravljenje rakije, hihihi Krivno mi je sto ovde ne mozemo nabaviti domace maslinovo ulje. Suvise smo daleko od mora :(
ReplyDeletesaška, drago mi je da voliš i koristiš maslinovo ulje, kao i mi. ali, nažalost, ovaj pogon se ne nalazi u našoj kući nego u obližnjoj uljari u selu. malo je prevelika za našu garažu :D
DeleteHihihih Epa onda, nadam se da ne cita redovno sve ove komentare na tvom blogu :)
Deleteispričala sam mužu maloprije kako si mislila da je to naša uljara i smijem se ja, a njemu se upalila žaruljica iznad glave :) uljara, hm....
Deleteeto, izbrbljala sam se sama.
Divan post, nema šta, čitala sam ga nekoliko puta. Ne koristim baš puno maslinovo ulje, ali masline da!
ReplyDeleteU svakom slučaju, lepo je znati i videti.
This was so interesting! Thank you for taking the time to share this process. I had no idea. I was glad to know the waste had some value as well. I love olives and olive oil and that picture of it flowing into your container looked like liquid gold to me!
ReplyDeleteOdličan post, nikad nisam vidjela bas cijeli proces obrađivanja maslina, stvarno zanimljivo, super ste to objasnili. zdrava namirnica
ReplyDeleteAna, this was fascinating to learn how olive oil was made. You explained it very well! Also interesting to learn that olive oil was once a payment method, very neat!! That's pretty amazing that those olives trees in Croatia are so old, wow!
ReplyDeletethanks, girls! you are always welcome to come an taste it youself :)
ReplyDeleteWow that is amazing. Such a wonderful tradition for your family to share. And holy cow I can't believe how old the trees are. Thanks for sharing the process with us. I am featuring your post this week. I hope you stop by You're the Star Blog Hop again this week and share something new.
ReplyDeleteBest Wishes, Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! I am comming over for sure!
DeleteFascinating to see the whole process like this #TheRealCraftyLinkParty
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this post at The Really Crafty Link Party, it was very interesting to finally understand the process behind the olive oil we so easily get from a store.
ReplyDeleteAmazing post, Ana!! My aunt lived in a little village surrounded by olive trees and there was a mill where they made their own oil. Since I was a kid I loved to go there and see the process, it was mesmerizing!! Thanks for sharing it, I guess there are lots of people who have never seen it.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend!
Ana I am so glad you shared this with us. We harvest oil every year and yet I never knew what the detals were until you shared these photos with us. That is quite a process the olives must go throught to become oil. And those trees, well I have so much respect for them. We have quite a few grandfather trees here as well. They are truly remarkable and worthy of our respect.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post. I love olive oil but did not know the process. How wonderful to be able to make your own oil. I would be in heaven. Those tress are amazing.
Thanks for sharing at You're The Star,
Bravo! I love you:)
ReplyDeleteZar ima bolji koment od ovoga...
Uskoro kupujem zemlju u okoloni Barija sa velikim maslinjakom i javit cu Vam se..
Hvala Vam mnogo na v kreativnom objasnjenju...jer, vecina blogera su dosadni...Vi ste posebno....