Make your own Advent Decor / Napravite sami adventski vjenčić
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Make your own Advent Decor by ana@carpe_diem |
Prva adventska nedjelja je za dva tjedna!
Pravo je vrijeme da se počne razmišljati o adventskom vjenčiću;
bojama, veličini i obliku svijeća, potrebnim ukrasima.
First Advent Sunday is only two weeks away!
It's the right time to start thinking of Advent Decor;
colors, size and shape of Advent candles, decoration needed.
Adventski je vijenac krug ili prsten od zimzelenog granja s četiri svijeće. Postavlja se na stol u vrijeme došašća kao simbol iščekivanja Božića. Svake nedjelje u došašću pali se po jedna svijeća.
Više o ovom običaju možete pročitati OVDJE.
Advent wreath is a circle or ring of evergreen branches with four candles. It is set on the table at the time of Advent as a symbol of anticipation of Christmas. Every Sunday in Advent one more candle is being lit.
Zašto ove godine ne bi napravili sami adventski vjenčić?
Why wouldn't you make Advent Decor yourself this year?
This is what you need:
Za izradu vjenčića najradije koristim slamnati vijenac jer je on obavijen najlonskom uzicom (kao onom za pecanje), što ima svoje velike prednosti.
Potrebni su još i podlošci za svijeće.
I use straw form when making Advent Decor because it is wrapped with nylon string,
which has some great advantages.
You will need some candles holders, as well.
Slijedeći korak je pravljenje vjenčića.
Za to je potrebno razno zelenilo;
borovina, čempres, smrika (borovica), hrast,
magunja (planika), kadulja...
svega što se može naći.
Prvo sam napunila unutrašnjost slamnatog vjenčića
i to borovim grančicama.
Svaku grančicu sam ugurala ispod flaksa (pela) i tako u krug.
Next step is adding evergreen to straw base
You can use anything you can get:
pine, juniper, oak, strawberry tree, even sage....
I inserted the inner part of the straw wreath first
using pine brenches
pushing it under the string (fishing nylon, to be exact).
Nema veze ako malo robusno izgleda,
to je tek prva faza :)
Doesn't matter if it looks untidy,
this is just a first phase :)
Zatim se popunjava vanjski dio kruga
opet grančica za grančicom.
Then you fill the outer part of the wreath,
brench by brench.
Ako neka grana nezgodno strši,
može se poslije i podrezati.
If any little brench is sticking out,
you can trim it later on.
Vijenac se nastavlja puniti sa različitim zelenilom.
Najzadnje se puni gornji do vijenca.
Taj dio najljepše izgleda ako se naizmjenice koriste dvije različite vrste,
npr. smrika sa bobicama i nešto lisnatije.
Contuinue adding diverse greenery to the wreath.
You will finish the top part last.
You can achive the best look if you add two different sort of greenery,
for example, juniper with little berries and some leafy sort.
Kad je zeleni vjenčić gotov,
odrede se mjesta za podloške za svijeće,
namjeste se svijeće i dodaju se ukrasi po želji.
When the green wreath is done,
place the candle holders,
then the candles and other decoration .
Prošle godine sam se upustila u rustikalnu avanturu:
Last year I was engaged into a rustical adventure:
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Ideju za ovako dekorirane svijeće sam vidjela na Internetu
(pošto nemam originalni link, neću stavljati originalnu fotografiju)
i odmah se zaljubila u tu ideju -
juta i čipka!
Grubo i nježno.
Rustikalno i elegantno.
Krasna kombinacija.
I've seen this idea for decorated candels on Internet
(but since I haven't got link to original source, I won't post original photo)
and fall in love with this decor -
burlap and lace!
Rough and delicate.
Rustic and elegance.
Lovely combo.
Za ovaj vjenčić sam koristila šiške/češere koje sam izbjeljivala
(više o tome pročitajte OVDJE),
zaljepila sam ih pištoljem.
Iako mi izbjeljeni češeri nisu poprimili boju kojoj sam se nadala,
ova nijansa se odlično uklopila sa jutom.
I decided to use pine cones that I have bleached
(read more about it HERE),
glued it with glue gun.
Although my bleached pine cones didn't turn as I was hoping for,
this shade worked just perfect with burlap.
Koja bobica tu i tamo,
koja šiškica,
raznoliko zelenilo...
Some berries here and there,
some pine cones,
different shades of green...
Još malo prošlogodišnje rustike!
Another bit of last years' rustic decor!
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Koristila sam konopac umjesto mašni i vrlo jednostavne svijeće,
izbjeljene šiške, bobice.
I have used rope instead of saten bows, very simple candles,
bleached pine cones and natural berries.
Ovo je bio vjenčić za našu studenticu,
njoj poznati mirisi doma.
This Advent Corolla was meant for our girl at University,
familiar scents to remind her of home.
Pošto živim na moru i jako volim dekorirati naš dom morskim detaljima,
prije par godina sam unijela dašak mora i u adventski vjenčić.
Since I live at the sea and I expecially love coastal decor in our home,
I decided to provide a marine touch to Advent Decor couple of years ago.
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Koristila sam bež ukrasni konopac,
umanjenu verziju onoga koji se koristi na brodu :)
I had some beige rope,
a smaller version of those used at ships :)
Koristila sam zelenilo koje sam našla oko kuće,
ali sam dodala i neke prave morske stvari:
I have used evergreen that I could find around our home,
but also have added some real sea stuff:
kućice od morskog ježa,
sea urchin,
morske zvijezde, jednog volka (rplja, kažemo mi),
školjke - to su kućice (po našu - kunjke)...
starfish and a winkle,
some shells...
Ako nemate pri ruci prave školjke,
a sviđa vam se morski adventski vjenčić,
uvijek možete koristiti gips!
If you like Marine Advent Decor,
but you haven't got any shells or sea stars,
you can use plaster!
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Još jedna bijelo-zelena kombinacija, ali sam morskim ugođajem.
Another white-green combo, but with marine twist.
Izlijte u gipsu sve što vam se sviđa i ukrasite vjenčić!
Pour some plaster into form and use everything you like!
Ovaj put sam se odlučila koristiti satenske mašne koje sam zavezala oko svijeća.
Tako je vjenčić dobio elegantan izgled.
(Mornarsko-plava mašna bi isto izgledala fantastično.)
I have used satin bows that time. I have tied them around the candles so my Advent Decor got its elegant look.
(Navy blue bow would look amazing, too.)
Nemojte zaboraviti na prirodne ukrase, oni su uvijek najbolji.
Don't forget to add some natural decor, they always look the best.
Ako ste više tradicionalniji tip i volite crveno-zelenu kombinaciju,
možda vam se svidi slijedeća ideja.
If you are more of traditional type and prefer red-green combo,
you might like following idea.
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Za izradu ovog crvenog vjenčića koristila sam crvene bobice tetivike,
koja je kod nas vrlo raširena i taman se zacrvene ovo vrijeme.
Naravno, mogu se koristiti i neke druge bobice,
samo pazite da nisu otrovne.
It is wild plant that is quite common in our region.
Of course, you can always find something else in nature near you,
just make sure its not toxic.
Žirevi hrasta crnike su isto jako dekorativni.
Nema potrebe za mašnicama uz ovako lijepe plodove iz prirode.
Oak acorns are very decorative. as well.
There is no need for some extra bows or such, with these superb gifts of nature.
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Uvijek se možete poigrati oblikom svijeća.
Ove su bile u obliku šiške, zlatne boje.
You can always play with candles' shape.
These were in shape of pine cones, golden.
Moj posljednji prijedlog je mali odmak od svega što sam prethodno predstavila.
My last proposition is kind of twist from everything I have presented earlier.
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Vrlo je jednostavan, ali ne zato što sam ostala bez inspiracije :),
nego zato što sam htjela probati nešto drugačije.
It is quite simple, but not because I've lost my inspiration :),
but because I wanted to try something different.
Jedan dio slamnate podloge je ukrašen zelenilom,
a ostatak je obavijen pergament papirom (papirom za pečenje).
One part of straw form is covered with greenery
and the rest is covered with pergament paper (baking paper).
Jedini ukras, osim svijeća i mašnica,
su prave šiškice i bobice od čempresa koje su došle sa granama.
Only decoration, besides candles and bows,
are natural cypress cones and berries that came along attached to branches.
I četiri mudre poruke napisane na smeđem papiru rukopisom,
zarolane i umotane u ostatke iste mašne, te priljepljene na grane silikonskim pištoljem.
Svake nedjelje se otvara i pročita jedna poruka.
And four wise messages hand written on brown paper,
rolled and wrapped into the same ribbon, glued to the greenery with glue gun.
Each Sunday, one message is going to be read.
Nadam se da vam se svidio ovaj odabir mojih adventskih vjenčića
i da ste bar malo inspirirani napraviti ove godine svoj vlastiti.
Izrada nije teška, zar ne?
Samo se treba krenuti :)
I hope you like this selection of my Advent Wreaths/ Corollas.
Making it is not so difficult, right?
You just need to start :)
I hope I have inspired you to make one of your own.
In the meantime,
carpe diem, everyone!
Thank you !!
Predivan je draga! I meni se dopada kombinacija jute i čipke, savršeno! :)
ReplyDeleteVesna - Home Chic Club
hvala, Vesna!
DeleteAna, these adventure wreaths are beautiful!! You did an amazing job on each of these! You really make the most beautiful wreaths!! The candles wrapped in burlap is a lovely touch.
ReplyDeleteAdvent wreaths not adventure wreaths, lol.
Deletewell, we could say "adventure", as well hahaha
Deletethanks for stopping by
I love all your wreaths Ana. The coastal one is simply gorgeous and the candles with burlap and lace you created makes the most amazing statement against all the foliage you used. Your are spot on when you said rough and delicate, rustic and elegance. The contrast is beautiful.
ReplyDeletethanks, michelle! I hope I have inspired you to make some of your own :)
DeleteGreat inspiration! I love the candles in the first set, they are so pretty! Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party. Pinned!
ReplyDeleteThis is beautiful! I love the combo of the burlap and lace. Thanks for the detailed instructions.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing at the Holidays Celebration Link party too. Pinned!
These are gorgeous. I love how you build them up step by step and each one looks quite unique Popping over from The Holiday Link Party .
ReplyDeleteOdličan post, jako mi se dopada tvoj blog :)
ReplyDeletehvala ti! drago mi je da si svratila!
DeleteHvala :)