The Penguins costume / Pingvini, kostim za maškare
Moja tri pingvina!
Ovo su prve maškare
najmlađeg pingvina,
prije nekih 7 godina.
These are my 3 penguins;
first costume party
for the youngest,
some 7 yrs ago.
Ovako nekako sam to zamislila, poput ovih slikica pingvina.
A sama inspiracija mi je bio moj sin koji tada još nije najbolje hodao, nego se stvarno gegao poput pingvina.This is how I imagined this costume, something like these penguins on the pictures. But, the real inpiration was my little son who couldn't walk proper then, his walk actually reminded me of a penguin walk.
I naravno, opet isprike za nedovoljni broj i (ne)kvalitetu slika. U moju obranu, reći ću da sam onda više snimala na kameru nego slikavala, što se pokazalo lošijim izborom. Ali, tko će ga znati?...
And, again, I am so sorry for the lack of photos, expecially for its (un)quality. In my defence, I'll say that I used video camera more then regular photo camera back then. Who would have known that I will be needing some penguin photos in a near future?

Iskrojila sam je, izrezala, obojala sa crnim pigmentom
za boju za zidove. Ali, pošto nisam dotad nikad bojala spužvu,
a čula sam kako se to radi, nisam dodala malo vode u pigment (da se dobije na količini), nego sam dodala Jupola (bijela boja za zid) - tako da mi pingvini nisu ispali crni, nego sivi. Što, opet, nije tako loše.
Tako obojanu spužvu sam zašila ručno.
A ovaj bijeli dio (trbuh i glava) mi je ispao dosta neoredno (kod farbanja), tako da sam odlučila uzeti jednu staru plahtu, iskrojiti oblik i to isto prišiti ručno.
Za ova 3 pingvina trebalo mi je 2 spužve, ovog najmanjeg sam napravila od više manjih komada koja su mi ostala kad sam napravila veće pingvine.
Izrezala sam i ruke,stopala, kljun i mašnu, sve od iste spužve i obojala sa žutim pigmentom. Mašna mi je narančasta jer sam imala par kapi crvenog, pa sam pomiješala sa žutim.
Na stopala sam sa donje strane našila lastik i tako im navukla na cipele. To je bilo super efektno, kao pravi pingvini.
Ispod ove spužve nisu bile potrebne nikakve jakete.

This was my very fist time working with the foam. I bought a piece of foam 1m x 2m (where I live, I buy it in a store that sells paints) 2 cm thick.
I cut the shapes, then colored with a black pigment (that's a small bottle of paint that you buy in a paint shop and normally use it when you want to add some color to the white foundation paint for the inside walls). I never used pigment before, so I didn't know that I am supposed to add some water with it (to get more color), so I added some white foundation paint, so my penguins turned out grey instead of black. But, I liked it even better that way anyway.
Then I handstitched all parts together.
This white head/belly part turned out pretty messy, because I messed it up painting, so I decided to cover that area. I made that shape out of old bed sheet, and hand stitched it also.
I used 2 pieces of foam to make 3 pengins like that; the smallest was made from several pieces that were left out when I finished bigger penguins.
I cut also beak, bow, flippers and foot from the same foam. I colored it with yellow pigment, except for the bow - I had some red paint + yellow = orange bow.
From the bottom of the foot, I handstitched a elastic band to secure it on kids' foot / shoe. The effect was really good, they looked just like small pengins :)
Kids didn't need any jackets under this costume.
I tako su se pingvini sa Južnog pola dogegali do nas na sjevernu polutku toga hladnog, kišnog dana....
And that's how the South Pole penguins came to visit us on the northern hemisphere on that cold, rainy day...
And here are other costumes that I have made :
Wizard of Oz, Snow White, Mickey & Minnie Mouse, Sandwich,
This costume was featured at:
Neprevaziđena si. Zašto još jednom ne razmisliš o ozbiljnijoj kostimografiji?
ReplyDeleteDoslovno je svaki kostim sve bolji i bolji !!! :))
ReplyDeletečekajte, nisam još gotova!
ReplyDeletekad ih sve objavim, reći ćete mi koji vam se najviše svidio!
stay tuned :))))
i hvala na komplimentima, cure!
Ovo je predobro.Pingvini su kao pravi!
ReplyDeleteAna, your costumes are getting more amazing every day (I mean, year...) and the creativity and work you put here is fantastic! Are you sure you don't own a costume business?! :)
ReplyDeleteQuite sure :))
DeleteAlthough my friends persuade me to do that from time to time.
When I make costumes, I only think of fun, nothing else....
I love this! What fun and the kids are so cute! Thanks for stopping by Sweet Saturday Blog Hop and sharing!
DeleteAnd thank you for following my blog!
Hope to see you around!
Oh, my! Your penguins are adorable! The picture of them posing together is a really cute picture too.
ReplyDeleteHow fun!
ReplyDeleteThose are way too cute!!
ReplyDeleteSuper, super cute! Very creative! :)
Amazing! My weekly linky party--One Creative Weekend--has gone spooky this week in honor of my thirteenth party. If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll visit "One Creative Weekend" on (open every Fri-Wed) and link up this idea and anything else you’d like to share. (You can include non-Halloween posts as well, but feel free to link up as many Halloween-themed posts as you like.) There are two categories—one for Halloween and one for everything else.
ReplyDeletethese are soooooo cute, great job!!!
ReplyDeletehow cute, love them!!!
ReplyDeleteToo cute!
ReplyDeleteSo adorable I could cry! Thanks for linking up :)
ReplyDeleteOMGosh! Those are sooo cute. Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse
ReplyDeletethis is the cutest family costume ever! i love it!
ReplyDeleteahhhhdorable!!!! thank you for sharing at Tasty Tuesdays. Just wanted to let you know that this project is being featured at this weeks party. the link will be live tonight at 8:30pm central time. Please stop by and grab a featured button and join in the new party!
Too cute! Thanks for sharing at the Pomp Party! Hope to see you back next week!
ReplyDeleteI’m so excited to feature this fantastic costume on Please feel free to stop by and grab a featured button.
ReplyDeleteThese are adorable!
ReplyDeleteStopping by to let you know I featured you today in my Spooktacular Linky Features! Have a great weekend!