The Frogs costumes / Žabe, kostimi za maškare

Žabe, kostimi za maškare
Frogs costumes

Naše žabe od prošle godine!
Our frogs' costumes from last year's !

  Ove sam maske radila sa prijateljicama za nas velike i naše male žabe.Opet smo koristile spužvu od 2 cm, pigment zeleni i crveni, ali smo i nabavile ona najlonska odijela za farbanje.Prvo smo se bacile na krojenje glave, ruku i stopala žabljih. Glavu samo sastavile od 3 dijela, kao prema gornjoj slici, ručno smo šivale. Žablje  ruke i stopala su različitog oblika, da se razlikuju.A onda su na red došle oči. Tu sam se malo pomučila jer nisam ni sama imala pojma što radim i kako treba izgledati. Naposlijetku sam iskrojila iz spužve kapke (kao prema slici), ručno pripuntala rubove i umetnula oko. Oko sam napravila tako da sam veći krug ručno pripuntala, te stegla konac, da dobije formu lopte. Unutra sam ubacila male komadičke spužve i sašila rubove ništa ne ispada. To je stražnji dio oka, a na prednji dio sam zaljepila crni krug od samoljepljive tapete.Onda sam iskrojila predimenzionirane usne, obojala ih crvenim pigmentom.A sad riječ-dvije o bojanju. Cure su zelene dijelove bojale tako da su u špricaljku stavile pigment uz dodatak malo vode i špricale su žablje ruke i stopala. Isto tako su bojale i glavu, tako da je unutrašnjost ostala neobojena, što je svakako dobro, jer obojana spužva pušta boju.Ja, s druge strane, sam kapke i usnice bojala tako da sam utopila spužvu u boju, pa je dobro ocijedila.Najveći problem mi je onda predstavljalo oni najlonski kombinezon (kapuljaču sam izrezala) jer se nikako nije dao obojati, boja bi jednostavno sklizna sa njega, nevjerovatno! Ustvari, nije toliko nevjerovatno, jer je i namjenjen kao zaštita kod bojanja :)  Tako da je bojanje jednog kombinezona potrebno pune 2 bočice pigmenta, uz minimalni dodatak vode.Kad se sve osuši, ručno se prišije; šake na prednji dio rukava, stopala na nogavice, oči na vrh glave i usta odmah ispod otvora.Na ovom kostimu su mi se najviše sviđale boje i to što se nikako nije moglo vidjeti tko je unutra.Bili smo veliko kreketajuće iznenađenje!

My girl-friends and I made this costumes for ourselves - big frogs, and for our little frogs!We used 2 cm thick foam, green and red pigment, and this disposable overalls that we bought in paint store, made out of some synthetic material.First we tailored 3 parts for frog's head, handstitched them all together. Then we tailored frog's feet and hands; we made them look different.Then, eyes. Now, that was a problem since I wasn't quite sure what to do. So, after a while, I decided to make some eyelids, as shown on picture above, handstitched the ends. I cut the round shape out of foam, too, handstitched its edge, pull the thread to get a ball-like shape, stuffed it with small foam pieces, then handstitch the edges so it get nice round form. Now, thats the back of the eye. I put some black adhesive vinyl on the front side of the eye.Then I tailoted the oversized lips, dyed it with red pigment.Couple of words about dyeing foam - normally when I used to dye a foam, I would put the foam into a container, add pigment + little bit of water, soak the foam and then sqeeze it with hand so the rest of dye leaks out. But, my girlfriends spreyed the dye with kitchen sprinkler (I don't know if this is translated correctly - the object that you use when you want to oil your pan or similar) and it turned out to be excellent! The frog's head was spreyed, too, so the insides were not dyed at all.Well, when this overalls ( I cut the hood off) came to dyeing, I had to use 2 little bottles of pigment for each one, + minumum of water, because its material just isn't ment to be dyed. Well, this overalls is used as protection suit when painting, right? :)So, when all parts get dry, we handstitched them; hands to the front of slleves, feet to the trousers, eyes on the top of frog's head, and lips just bellow the face openning.The thing I liked the most on this costume were its colors and the fact that faces could not be seen. So, when we turned out, we were quite a croaking surprise! 

Bio je kišovit dan, dosta lokvi, kao naručeno za žabe. Morali smo podvrnuti naša žablja stopala, jer kuda su ove žabe prošle, ostali su zeleni tragovi :))

It was rainy day, lots of rain puddles.We had to flip over our frog feet, because where those frogs had passed, they let green color behind :)) Oh, well... 
I have made some othe costumes, too: 

Featured at:

Thank you!


  1. Uz ovakve fantastične kostime svako bi poželeo da svaki dan bude maskenbal:)!Prosto ne znam šta je lepše,ali žabe i ovčice,gledam,i gledam i ne mogu da se nagledam!!!Pozdrav!

  2. Baš cool ekipa žabica :)) Isplatio vam se trud i rad na kostimima!!

    1. prva nagrada, marinice! a svaka lokva je bila zelena :)

  3. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! I wanna be a green frog too, because you don't even see the faces. This is too cool! Also I don't understand why you didn't sink the foam in colorant in the bathtub? The spray was easier to do? Anyway, awesome costumes and I love your sense of humor!

    1. I sink the foam in a plastic bowl, nad the girls didn't want to use a lot of paint/dye so they used a spray container. That worked out just fine, they spent less dye and insides of the head were unpainted!
      Thanks for your compliments, I knew you would like it ;)

  4. Pa vi totalno niste normalne ;)))))... najboljem mogućem smislu! Baš dobro što vam je pala kiša ;) Tuš i akril jako dobro bojaju spužvu i tkanine jer su jako pigmentirani. I ne ostavljaju tragove u lokvama;) Totalno me zanima što ćete biti dogodine.

    1. Da ti pravo kažem, prvi put sam čula za akrilne boje kad sam se uključila u blogosvemir. Ovaj jupolov pigment je počela koristiti jedna mama iz vrtića, pa sam se i ja okušala u tome. predmda sam poslije maškara još 2 tjedna zašarana. za tuš se nikad nisam sjetila. A mislim da se pigment koristi i radi cijene, dodaš malo vode i čuda možeš obojati. Svi moji kostimi su ispod 50 kn troškova po komadu.
      A dogodine... viditi ćeš u veljači! izrada počinje uskoro ;)

  5. znaš kad bi mi pošlo za rukom izraditi takav kostim? nikad!

  6. These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing them!!

  7. Jao ovo je stvarno predivno ,divim se ovakvoj izradi to treba znati zaista:)

  8. Divnih li žabica:)))Od sada kada s budem željela praviti kreaciju za maskembal, obratit ću se tebi jer ti si definitivno velemajstor za ideje i izradu:)))

  9. Such cute costumes!! Thanks for sharing them at the linky party! Thanks for stopping by my blog today and following me too! I am following you back on GFC, Pinterest and Hometalk :) Have a great day!! Heather

  10. Ideš! Pa ti bi mogla otvoriti pravu malu radionicu.

  11. Zavidim ti na tvom umeću, zaista. Beskrajno si kreativna a posebno mi se sviđa što uživaš u tome što radiš i kako ti to sve sa lakoćom.

    Hvala puno na nagradi.

  12. Oh my goodness those costumes are so stinking cute! Thanks so much for linking up! :D {HUGS!}

  13. These are fabulous!! I think they are my favorite! Too cute. Thanks so much for sharing at A Bouquet of Talent. Hugs

  14. So fun!!! Lovely frogs! Thanks so much for sharing the great tutorial!
    Happy week!

    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  15. Oh my goodness, these are adorable! I love them!

  16. Now all you need are some flies to catch! Thanks for sharing at Sweet Saturday!

  17. Love these costumes! They really are adorable and make me smile :)

  18. You are so talented. Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  19. Thank you so much for linking up your beautiful costumes! I featured them on my blog today!:
    Hope to see your amazing projects at tomorrow's party! Hugs, Heather

  20. Svaka cast!Imas na mom blogu jedan link ka 50 tutorijala za decije kostime za maskembal.:))


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