Jela od šparoga / Wild Asparagus Dishes
Prošli put sam pisala o šparogama i rekla sam kako ću napisati što od njih spravljam,
nažalost odužilo se pisanje ovog posta...
I wrote in my previous post that I am going to share some receipes with wild asparagus,
here is what I usually make:
Naravno, potrebne su nam šparoge ;))
Of course, we will be needing some wild asparagus ;))
Šparoge se pažljivo prelome, na određenom mjestu šparoga puca, obično pri vrhu.
Tako se odvaja jestivi i nejestivi dio.
U stvari, ne bih ovaj donji dio nazvala nejestivim, nego jednostavno pretvrdim za žvakanje.
You should take each asparagus with your hands and carefully refract it;
it will brake at certain spot, usually at its top.
That's how you devide edible from less edible part of asparagus.
I wouldn't actually call this bottom part non-edible,
just simply more wooden and hard to chew when cooked.
Ovako nekako izgleda očišćena šparoga.
This is how devided asparagus looks like.
Kad se sve šparoge očiste, dobijemo veću hrpu koju nećemo jesti
(ali je nećemo ni baciti) i manju hrpu koju ćemo dalje spremati.
When you cut all wild asparagus, you will get bigger pile of hard, woody ends
that you will not eat (but you will not throw it away eather)
and smaller pile that you will prepare further more.
Ovako ja dalje radim:
This is how I prepare some wild asparagus dishes:
U jednu teču stavimo vodu i prvo stavimo kuhati mekane dijelove šparoga.
Kuhamo dok posve ne omekšaju, a to opet ovisi o ukusu; netko voli malo tvrđe šparoge.
Voda dobije zelenkastu boju.
Boil some water in a pot, and cook wild asparagus tops first untill they soften completely.
But, its softness depends on peoples' taste, somebody prefers not to be too mushy.
Water turns greenish.
Kad su vrhovi šparoga gotovi, izvade se iz vode i ocijede,
u istu vodu tada stavljam tvrde dijelove šparoga.
Stavim i jaja kuhati, da budu tvrdo kuhana.
When wild asparagus tops are done, I take them out and drain them.
I also put those woody end into same water, too.
Make some hard boiled eggs.
Voda od kuhanja je sad još zelenija i intezivnijeg okusa i mirisa.
Neka se krajevi šparoga kuhaju nekoliko minuta,
nećemo čekati da omekšaju jer će uvijek biti dosta tvrdi.
Tada se krajevi šparoga izvade iz vode. Ja ih onda obično bacim na kompost.
Voda se sačuva.
Water gets more green, it has more intense aroma and taste.
Let those asparagus ends to boil for couple of minutes,
don't wait for them to became softer- that will not happend.
Take them out of water, I usually dispose them at compost site.
Save the water.
U posebnu teču stavi se malo maslinovog ulja (količina po ukusu), stavi na vatru, Kad se ugrije, doda se oko 4 žlice griza u ulje (ili više, ovisno o željenoj gustoći), miješa kuhačom dok ne dobije zlaćanu boju i tade se zalije vodom u kojoj su se kuhale šparoge. Dakle, griz-juha; posoli se, kuha se dok griz ne bude gotov.
In another pot, pour some olive oil (quantity depends on your taste), put it on the stove. When it gets hot, put at least 4 table spoons of semolina /groats, grits/ (quantity again depends on how dense you like it), stir with wooden spoon untill it gets golden color, then pour this water where wild asparagus were boiled. This is what we call Semolina Soup; season with salt and cook untill semolina is done.
Ovo je moja juha od šparoga, moj muž voli dosta maslinovog ulja i ne baš pregustu.
Naravno, svako je dotjerava prema ukusu, ja ne koristim nikakve začine osim morske soli.
This is my Wild Asparagus Soup; my husband prefers a lot of olive oil and not too dense.
Of course, everyone finishes it the way they like, but I don't season with anything else but sea salt.
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A one skuhane vrhove šparoga stavim u posudu, na njih narežem tvrdo kuhana jaja,
zalijem maslinovim uljem i to bude dobar obrok.
Ponekad dodam i kvasine (octa) pa postane salata od šparoga i jaja!
Wild asparagus tops are in this dish, mixed with sliced hard boiled eggs,
sprinkled with olive oil generously and that becomes a very tasty meal.
Sometimes I add some vinegar and then it becomes wild asparagus salad!
Od šparoga se može napraviti još svašta,
fritaja od jaja i šparoga, na primjer, ili rižoto,
ali ja najčešće radim ova jela koja sam opisala jer onda imam kompletan ručak.
You can make various asparagus dishes,
scrambled eggs with asparagus tops, for example or the risotto,
but these meals that I described are the most common in my kitchen
Dobar tek!
Bon Appetit!
Baš sam danas jela šparoge, ali one kupovne, zapravo ih jedem cjeli tjedan, prava kura(sad ne znam da li je ovo hrvatska ili slovenska riječ :)) od šparoga...Ovako kuhane sa jajima ili na salatu ih obožavam, juhu nisam još radila, baš bi mogla... Lijepe su mi tvoje fotke, baš mi nostalgiju bude...Pozdrav!
ReplyDeleteIzgleda odlicno, sad sam ogladnila...:)
ReplyDeleteE pa ovu juhu moram zapamtit za dogodine!
ReplyDeleteŽao mi je što je šparogama sada kraj... baš ih volim papat! Fini recepti kod tebe :))
ReplyDeleteThis is something new for me; looks very interesting. I love asparagus very much. Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe. Will give it a try.
ReplyDeleteVisiting from
Ana, this is lovely. It would be great if you linked it to Food on Friday: Asparagus. The showcases from this Food on Friday have not yet been selected. This link will take you to my home page where you will find a sidebar with links to all the different Food on Fridays. So that I know you have linked and can be sure to pin to the board I have for each one, please do leave a short comment. Cheers
ReplyDeleteThese look absolutely delicious! This would be great to link-up to my Create It Thursday's live now!
ReplyDeleteThis looks so good! Thank you for sharing this on Fluster's Creative Muster Party!
Fluster Buster
Lovely dishes, Ana! Asparagus is such a wonderful springtime veggie :) Thank you so much for sharing at last week's All my Bloggy Friends :) I can't wait to see what you share this week!
ReplyDeleteObožavam šparogice...ove tvoje izgledaju mmmmm....
ReplyDeleteSuper objašnjeno. Hvala na ulaznici