Easy No-Sew Upholstery / Jednostavno tapeciranje bez šivanja
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Upholstering my old bed by ana@carpe_diem |
Ovo je priča o preobrazbi mog zelenog kreveta u sivi :)
This is a story about turning my green bed into grey :)
Prošle godine sam odlučila malo preurediti našu spavaću sobu.
Krevet neobične zelene boje mi se nije uklapao u planove,
a pošto je relativno nov, ima odličan madrac i spremište,
nije bio za otpis.
Krevet je bio presvučen mikrofibrom,
pa sam i za njegov novi izgled također potražila isti materijal.
Kupila sam sivu mikrofibru za bočne stranice,
te karirano sivo-bijeli materijal za uzglavlje.
Planirala sam to sve skupa iskombinirati sa crvenom i bijelom bojom.
Last year I have decided to freshen up our bedroom a bit.
I had upholstered bed in odd green color, that didn't fit my plans anymore.
But, since it is relatively new bed with great mattress and storage underneath,
it wasn't going to give it up.
The bed was covered in green microfiber,
so I have looked up for the same fabric to upholster it myself.
I have chosen grey microfiber for sides and grey-white gingham for the head board.
I have planned to combine it with dark red and white pillows.
///Ustvari, nemam pravi tutorial u smislu korak po korak
jer sam krevet presvukla prošle godine i zaboravila sam fotografirati.///
Najprije sam oprala čitav krevet i pustila da se osuši.
Karirano platno sam nategla preko uzglavlja i zaklamala svakih par centimetara.
To je ustvari i jedini alat koji treba.
Dobro, još i škare, da se odreže višak materijala :)
I još jedan par ruku da pomogne držati materijal na mjestu.
Moja kćer i ja smo presvukle ovaj krevet u manje od sat vremena!
///In fact, this is not going to be a proper tutorial,
because I did this last year and I forgot to take photos!///
First of all, I washed entire bed with sponge and foam of mild detergent
and let it try
I have stretched the gingham fabric all over the headboard and stapled it every few centimeters.
Staple gun is actually the only tool you need.
OK, and some scissors to cut off the excess of fabric :)
And one more pair of hands to help you hold the fabric in place.
My teenage daughter and I have upholstered this bed in less then an hour, indeed!
Ostavila sam materijal ovako sa stražnje strane uzglavlja.
Ionako se ne vidi kad se krevet približi zidu!
I have left the fabric like this at the back side of the headboard.
It can't be seen when bed is facing the wall, anyway!
Krevet smo okrenule na bok da bi mogle materijal zaklamati i sa donje strane uzglavlja.
We have turned the bed sideways to staple the fabric under the headboard.
Što se bočnih stranica tiče,
a one su ustvari sanduk ispod madraca,
izmjerila sam dimenzije i izrezala toliko materijala da ga ima dosta i sa donje i sa gornje strane.
My bed has a great storage under the mattress.
I have covered those sides in plenty of fabric.
Materijal sam prebacila preko unutrašnjosti sanduka,
Opet sam krevet preokrenula bočno, na jednu i drugu stranu,
da bih mogla zalamati i ispod kreveta.
I have laid the fabric over storage liberally
and stapled the fabric to the storage sides.
Then we have turned the bed sideways again
so I could staple the fabric that goes underneath the bed.
Presvukla sam sve tri strane sanduka, odnosno,
dvije bočne strane i podnožje kreveta.
Na gornjoj fotografiji se vidi kako sam rješila problem uglova kreveta bez šivanja materijala -
mikrofibru sa bočnih strana sam prevukla i preko uglova,
neporubljeni krajevi bočnih materijala se ne vide jer preko njih dolazi treći dio.
Taj treći dio, podnožje, je preklopljen sa krajnje lijeve i desne strane,
zategnut, zaklaman.
So, I have upholstered all three sides of the bed, not including the headboard;
left and right side and the bottom part, foothill.
You can see how I have solved the corners problem at the photo above - no sewing needed -
I have put on some fabric that covered both sides over the corners,
placed the third piece of fabric over the edges.
That third piece, fothill, is folded on the far left and right,
tighten, stapled.
Na taj način sam izbjegla šivanje i pojednostavnila postupak.
Mikrofibra je dosta nategnuta, ali ne previše jer je rastezljiva.
Nabori se daju lako izravnati i nisu previše uočljivi.
That's how I managed to avoid sewing and make this project easier.
Fabric is tighted enough, but not too much since microfiber is a little bit stretchy itself.
All wrinkles can be straighten up easily and are not very noticeable.
Ovo je dezen madraca. Pa....
This is mattress pattern. Oh, well...
Na dijelu sanduka koji se nalazi odmah do uzglavlja je jedino ostao originalni materijal,
zelena mikrofibra. Taj dio se uopće ne vidi kad se madrac spusti i kad se krevet napravi,
tako da nisam htjela trošiti vrijeme da se i taj dio presvuče.
Vidi se i da je sanduk sa uzglavljem povezan šarafom.
Nisam niti skidala te šarafe kod presvlačenja uzglavlja,
nego sam nategla materijal do šarafa, a od šarafa prema dolje prerezala materijal do kraja.
Donji dio materijala sam zaklamala ispod kreveta i sve je ispalo dobro, čvrsto, nategnuto i uredno.
Uzglavlje se da vrlo lako odšarafiti od sanduka,
ali je sam sebi zamislila da ću biti brzo gotova, pa se nisam upuštala u to.
Možda ubrzo promjenim dezen uzglavlja,
pa ću ga kompletno odvojiti od sanduka i propisno tapecirati :)
On this forth, upper part of the storage unit, I have left the original fabric, green microfiber.
You can not see that part once the mattress is on place and bed is made,
so I didn't want to waiste my time upholstering it.
You can see on the photo above that the headboard is connected with the storage with some screws.
I did not unscrew them on purpose,
I have tighten the fabric untill the screws, then cut the bottom part of the farbric from the screws down. I have stapled the bottom part of the fabric underneath bed and everything turned out just fine, fabric so tight and neat.
Of course, you can separate the headboard,
but I planned to be over with this soon enough,
so I didn't do that.
Anyway, I am thinking of changing the headboard again,
so I am going to make it properly next time :)
Krevetac snimljen prošle godine, odmah po završetku presvlačenja.
My bed, photo taken last year, right after it has been upholstered.
A ove godine sam se odlučila za još jedan mali makeover,
umjesto crvenih detalja dodala sam modre i crne -
jastučiće morske zvijezde,
školske ploče na zidu,
modra navlaka za luster (tutorial OVDJE).
And this year I am going for another small makeover again,
I added some navy blue and black decor -
sea star pillows,
black chalk boards on the wall,
navy blue pendant cover (tutorial HERE).
Zavjese su sašivene od iste sive mikrofibre kojom je i presvučen krevet.
The drapes are made out of the same grey microfiber that I have used for upholstering my bed.
Mislim da će mi ovaj sivi krevet poslužiti kao dobra baza za različite stilove i boje uređenja spavaće sobe. Trenutno sam u modroj fazi, ali ubrzo se mogu vratiti na omiljenu crvenu boju ili pokušati sa žutom, narančastom... Potrebno je samo malo detalja u drugoj boji i soba je već drukčija.
I believe that this grey bed will suit my needs perfectly, expecially as a solid base to different styles and colors. I am in a navy blue phase right now, but I can easily switch to my favorite red or try other colors like yellow or orange... All I need is some details in other color and the room looks quite different.
What do you think?
Mislim da si to odlično odradila, odnosno vas dve! Super!!! :D
ReplyDeleteYou did a great job! (and I'm still hoping you can share more about those star pillows, I've been seeing them in your posts and I really like them...). Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party this week!
ReplyDeleteLove it! I think grey is great because it goes with any kind of linen you might have on the bed and is easy to combine. You did an amazing job!
ReplyDeleteOvo je zaista odlično, bravo!
ReplyDeleteHvala, cure! Thanks, girls!
ReplyDeleteAna, what a great idea! I like the new upholstery on the bed; it looks fantastic!!