The Wizard of Oz costumes / Čarobnjak iz Oza, kostimi za maškare
Čarobnjak iz Oza na naš način! Dopustite da vam predstavim Dorothy i njenog psića Tota (spava u košari), Plašljivog lava, Strašilo i Limenog čovjeka.
Wizard of Oz - our way! Let me introduce to you Dorothy and her little dog Toto (sleeping in a basket), Cowardly Lion, Scarecrow and Tin Man.
Putovali su zemljom Oz tražeći samog čarobnjaka. Mislili su da im on može izčarobirati nešto za čim su patili. Strašilo je tražilo mozak, misleći da nije pametan, Limeni čovjek je želio srce, Strašljivi lav - hrabrost, a Dorothy je tražila put kući. Jesu li našli to što su tražili?
They were travelling trough the land of Oz, looking for the wizard himself. They belived that he can give to them something they were longing for. Scarecraw needed some brain because he belived he wasn't smart enough, Tin Man was looking for his heart, Cowardly Lion - courage, and Dorothy wanted to go back home. Have they found what they were looking for?

Kostim za Dorothy je bio vrlo jednostavan.
Imali smo bluzicu od prije. Ispod je imala triko boje kože.
Haljina je bila vrlo jednostavna za sašiti.
Imala je košaricu u kojoj je spavao Toto i podmazivač za Limenog čovjeka, u slučaju kiše da nam ne zahrđa putem.
Sašila sam i mašne za kosu od istog materijala kao i haljinu.
I, naravno, crvene cipelice!
Nismo imali prave crvene cipele, pa smo ih odlučile same napraviti tako da smo na obične bijele cipele zaljepile puno malih komadićaka crvene samoljepljive tapete dok se bijela boja uopće više nije vidjela.

I had this blause from earlier.
Dress was very easy to make.
She had a basket with Toto and Tin Man's oiler, just in case he gets wet and rusty.
I made some matching ribbons for hair.
And, of course, red shoes!
We didn't have any red shoes, so I took some adhesive (wall)paper - vinyl, cut it in small pieces and sticked them to the normal shoes (these were white shoes) untill all surface was covered in red! It turned out just fine!
Što reći za Limenog čovjeka?
Osim da mora biti od lima ili nečeg sličnog tome. I da mora imati sjekiru u ruci, ipak je on drvosječa.
Sjekira se bolje vidi na najgornjoj slici.
Za ovaj kostim sam sašila bazu od srebrene fudre (postave), a da bi Limeni čovjek bio limeni, dodala sam srebreni hamer-papir kojeg sam zaljepila pištoljem za plastiku. Na slici se vidi gdje sam smjestila hamer, samo su zglobovi (lakat, koljeno, rame) bili slobodni. Efekt je, po meni, bio odličan. Ovaj hamer-papir je bio prilično krut, pa Limeni čovjek nije ni mogao drukčije hodati nego ukočeno!
I ne zaboravimo tratur (ljevak) na glavi! Isto od hamera. Htjela sam ofarbati pravi lijevak u srebreno, ali dida nije dao; treba mu za vino.

What can I say about Tin Man?
Except that he is supposed to be made of tin or something similar.
And he is supposed to have an axe in his hand, because he is logger, after all (you can have better view on axe at first photo).
I made a shirt with hood and some pants with elastic band in waist line out of silver material that is commonly used as lining. And then I cut some silver chart paper and placed it around arms and legs and chest. Only knees, elbows and shoulders were free to move normally. That gave the efect of stiffness when Tin Man had walked, it turned out just great! I used glue gun to secure chart paper.
And don't forget the funnel on his head! It is made out of chart paper, as well.
I wanted to sprey in silver real funnel, but the only one big enough to fit Tin Man's head was grandpa's funnel that he uses in wine cellar, so...
Evo strašljivog lava!
On je imao kombinezon sa kapuljačom. Kombinezon je imao otvor sprijeda kojeg sam poslije zakamuflirala (sa čičak trakom) sa svijetlijim materijalom koji je "glumio" trbuščić.
Na kapuljači je bila griva, prava lavlja, napravljena od ostataka umjetnog krzna. Na grivi uši, isto lavlje, na guzi čupavi rep, isto lavljeg porijekla.

And here's Cowardly Lion!
He was made out of overalls with the hood. The overalls had an opening in front that I covered with the other material that pretended to be a belly.
There was some fake fur on the hood, made out of leftover pieces, I mean- lion's mane, of course. Some lion's ears on the top of lion's head and some lion's tail behind.
Naravno, lavlje lice! Boje za lice su kupljene u dm-u.
Lion's face, of course! I bought this face paint in drug store.
Ovdje nisam ništa posebno šila. Koristila sam jednu staru trenerku na koju sam ručno prišila zakrpe.
Oko glave sam imala jedan komad materijala odgovarajuće boje kao i boja za lice, stari šešir iz kojeg je virila slama.
Slama mi je također virila i ispod rukava, nogavica i majce. Oko vrata, ruku, nogu i struka sam se opasala konopom.
Strašilo sam bila ja, na najgornjoj slici se može dobro viditi kakva sam bila :)
And, here's Scarecraw at the end.
I didn't sew anything for this costume. I used an old sweatsuit, handstiched some patches.
I had a piece of cloth around may face, the almost same color was the color of my face (I used face paint as well), old hat on my head with straw sticking out of the hole! I also had some straw under my sleeves, pants and shirt secured with the rope.
I was the Scarecraw, I don't have separated picture of myself that day, you can see me on the most upper photo :)
Na kraju se ispostavilo da je Strašilo bilo itekako pametno, Lav je bio hrabar, samo to nije znao, Limeni čovjek je imao itetakvo srce, a Dorothy je zaključila da je doma najljepše...
At the end, Scarecraw turned out to be a very clever person, Lion realized that he was brave all along, Tin Man found his heart in himself, and Dorothy concluded "There's no place like home"...
You can check out some other costumes that I have made so far:
Ladybug, Pierrot The Sad Clown, Little Mermaids, Penguins,
Sheeps, Snow White, Mickey & Minnie Mouse, Sandwich,,
Ants, Frogs, Aladdin , Bees , Nemo
Ladybug, Pierrot The Sad Clown, Little Mermaids, Penguins,
Sheeps, Snow White, Mickey & Minnie Mouse, Sandwich,,
Ants, Frogs, Aladdin , Bees , Nemo
These costumes were featured at:
Kako ste svi skupa slatki! Kostimi su odlični! Više ne znam što da pišem na ove tvoje kostime, nadmašiš sama sebe iz kostima u kostim :))
ReplyDeleteDrago mi je da ti se sviđaju! A još mi je draže što odvojiš vremena za napisati komentar :)
DeletePlease stop with the costumes, Ana, you are killing me! I love the roaring lion, Dorothy's blue dress and my absolute favorite is the Tin Man - isn't he quite absorbed? He looks like he could use some oil for those joints, poor thing :)))))))))
ReplyDeleteHahaha, you haven't seen ANYTHING YET ! There are many costumes to come ! And I didn't even posted MY favorites by now !
DeleteWhat can I do, Ana, I am now (mentally) prepared for the next seven costumes!
DeleteNe, neću više da komentarišem ništa, dok mi ne kažeš da si počela ozbiljno da se baviš kostimografijom!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletema kakva kostimografija, pogledaj koliko tu grešaka ima, vidi se iz aviona! maškare su meni plafon :)
DeleteThese costumes are very cute, and the kids look SOOOO happy!
Absolutely adorable. I found you via The Dedicated House.
ReplyDeleteOdlični ste, bravo!
ReplyDeletehvala hvala hvala
ReplyDeletethank you thank you thank you
Really great! Well done
ReplyDeleteThose are really cool! Nice job :)
So adorable! So creative! I'll be featuring this on Sweet Saturday this weekend, hope to see you there again!
ReplyDeleteI just love the Tin Man costume!
ReplyDeleteLove these costumes! Great job! I featured you today on my Spooktacular Halloween Linky Round-up! Thanks so much for sharing on Made in a Day! The Linky is open all month so if you have any more Halloween posts be sure to stop and link them up!