Liebster Blog Award(s)
Dobila sam 3 krasne nagrade! Hvala vam, cure!
I got 3 lovely awards! Thank you, girls!

Prva je od SONAJ, naše majstorice ukrašenih boca!
Pogledajte njene radove, ako još niste :)
A ovo su odgovori na njena pitanja:
First one came from SONAJ, our dear inventor of decorative bottle technique!
Look up her work, if you don't know her by now:)
And here are answers to her questions:
1.Najbolji vic... Ja znam
samo proste, a ne smijem ih ovdje napisati haha
2. Najbizarnija izjava koju si
Bilo što od Ave Karabatić.
3. Bicikl ili role....
3. Bicikl ili role....
nisam vozila od srednje škole, role sam probala prije 10tak godina, čak sam ih
i kupila, ali su mi noge ipak najsigurnije.
4. Trčanje ili brza šetnja....
4. Trčanje ili brza šetnja....
šetnja. Ustvari, ja kad „šetam“, drugi trče za mnom i ide im na
živce što ne mogu normalno, polako hodati.
5. Slano ili slatko...
5. Slano ili slatko...
6. Tvoja "biser" izjava, ideja ili misao...
6. Tvoja "biser" izjava, ideja ili misao...
nije moj biser, nego mamin :)
Brat (23,30 h, gladan je): Mama, ima li što za jesti?
Mama: Napravi sendvič. Samo požuri jer ćeš mi za pola sata reći da je kruh od
7. Crne ili smeđe cipele....
7. Crne ili smeđe cipele....
– njih uvijek moraš imati. Smeđe, ovisno o nijansi.
8. Najljepše muško ime....
8. Najljepše muško ime....
Mauro i Dino
9. Vožnja brodom ili avionom....
9. Vožnja brodom ili avionom....
Ovisi na koji brod misliš. Moj je
otac bio kapetan duge plovidbe, pa sam imala prilika voziti se velikim
prekooceanskim brodovima, ispalo je da moj želudac osjeti otklone od 1%, nije
bilo dobro...
Ako misliš na male kaiće ili pasare
ili slično, onda – dobro, može proći, samo da ne idu sporo, takatakataka i tako
satima .
Meni najdraža vožnja brodovima je onim
„srednjima“, kao kad se ide na izlet na Kornate, ima mjesta, može se prošetati,
nit su brzi niti spori, nego taman.
Avionom sam se vozila, i to na
velike udaljenosti, jednom su bile strašne turbulencije, nije mi bilo ugodno,
tako da prednost dajem brodovim, ali u prilično plitkom moru, i ne baš daleko
od obale, da se može doplivati po potrebi.
Fali more, drž' se kraja!
10. Država u kojoj živiš ili bi radije bila u nekoj drugoj ( kojoj)....
10. Država u kojoj živiš ili bi radije bila u nekoj drugoj ( kojoj)....
u Hrvatskoj, točnije u Dalmaciji koju ne bih mijenjala za ništa jer mi odgovara
i klima i način života.
11. Najveći strah....
11. Najveći strah....
bez zraka.
1. Best joke
I know only some dirty jokes, but I can't write them here haha
2. Most bizarre statement you have heard
Anything of Ava Karabatić (author's note - local celebrity)
3. Bicycle or roller slades
I haven't driven bicycle since high school, I even bought some rollers 10 yrs ago,
but I prefer my legs mostly
but I prefer my legs mostly
4. Jogging or brisk walking
Brisk walking. When I "walk", I do it very fast, so people are mostly enoyed why can't I
walk normally, slow
walk normally, slow
5. Salty or sweet
6. Your funny idea, though or statement
This belongs to my mother, not me:
- My brother (11,30 PM, he's hungry): Mom, do we have something to eat?
- Mom: Make yourself a sandwich! But, hurry,I don't want you to complain in half an hour that bread is not today's!
(It is hard to translate a joke in different language!!!)
7. Black or brown shoes
Black - you got to have one. Brown, depends on a shade.
8. Best male name
Hmmm... Mauro and Dino
9. Boat ride or plane
Depends on a boat. My father was a captain so I got chance to ride on a huge vessels. It turned out that my stomach can feel 1% deflection, not sooo good for me...
If you think of smaller boats, it's OK, as longest they don't go very slow, takatakataka for hours :)
My favorite boat rides are on medium sized boats, like for excursions, for example, they are not so fast and not so slow, there is plenty of room to stand up, to stretch your legs, just about right.
I have flown with planes, even to distant destinations, I experienced some huge turbulations once, I didn't feel good then, that's why I will give adventage to the boats/ships - but not so far away from the shore, so I can swim to the land if needed :)
10.Country you live in, or if you prefer to live anywhere else
I live in Croatia, region of Dalmatia (sea-side) and I would not live anywhere else because I love its climate and way of life.
I did live in different countries and big towns, but I have choosen this region to raise my family.
11. Biggest fear
Not to breathe

Druga nagrada je od LoLiLe, mlade cure koja ima što za reći!
Second award is from LoLiLa, a young girl with a statement!
1. Voliš li kuhati i peći kolače?
Da, i jedno i drugo.
2. Koje ti je prijevozno sredstvo najdraže?
Noge. Vlastite.
3. Jesi li alergična na što?
Ne. Ništa.
4. Pišeš li dnevnik ili ti je blog dovoljan?
Pisala sam dnevnik pola života,
onda sam stala s tim, a nedavno počela sa blogom.
5. Koja ti je najčudnija navika?
Čekam da se skupi hrpa robe, pa onda peglam
6. Pospremaš li krevet svako jutro nakon ustajanja? :D
Ne, kategorično sam protiv toga
7. Koju si najskuplju stvar kupila, a kasnije shvatila da je
za smeće?
Jednu Shiseido kremu koja mi je trebala rješiti problem
hiperpigmentacije, ali- nije!
8. Bojaš li kosu?
Nažalost, da. Počela sam prije par godina jer sam počela
sijediti i to baš na sred ćelenke!
9. Imaš li naviku slušati glazbu u svim i svakavim
prigodama? (dok čistiš, kuhaš, voziš se...)
Cijeli dan (pa tako i sad), što god radim, radim uz glazbu.
Imam jednu odličnu stanicu koja ima samo glazbu i tu i tamo
neke lokalne vijesti.
A napravila sam si i svoju stanicu na Jango, pa slušam samo
ono što se meni sviđa.
10. Imaš li barem jednu prijateljicu iz djetinjstva s kojim
si još uvijek super?
Da. Puno toga radimo zajedno. Djeca su nam isto godište, pa
nas i oni povezuju.
11. Što misliš o blogonagradama? :D
Gnjavaža ili prilika da se sazna puno toga o drugima i samoj
Ove blogonagrade u kojima se odgovara na pitanja posebno volim.
Odgovori ljudi koje ne poznam osobno su mi uvijek
1. Do you like to cook and bake?
Yes, both, very much!
2. What mean of transportation you like best?
Legs. Of my own.
3. Are you allergic at something?
No. Not at all.
4. Do you write a journal (a diary) or your blog is enough for you?
I have written a journal half of my life, I recently started to blog.
5. What is your weirdest habit?
I wait for my clothes to pile, then I iron.
6. Do you make your bed every morning after getting up? :D
No, I am strongly against it :D
7. What is the most expencive thing you bought and later realised it is not worth it?
Certain Shiseido product, that was supposed to help me with my
hiperpigmentation problem, but it didin't.
8. Do you color your hair?
Sadly, yes. It began to silver couple of years ago.
I use the same shade as my natural color.
9. Do you have a habit of listening to the music while doing everything (driving, cleaning)?
Yes, I do, I listen to the music all day log, while doing everything, even now.
I keep my radio open all day, I enjoy certain station with all music and some local news.
I even made myself a Jango station.
10. Do you have at least one childhood friend that you are still friends with?
Yes, I do, we do a lot of activities together.
Our kids are samge age, so they connect us much, as well.
11. What do you think of blog awards? Do you think they are pain in the neck
or a chance to find out some more about your blogger friends?
I expecially like these blog awards with questions to answer,
because they give us opportunity to get to know each other some more.
Answers from a people I don't know in person are very intersting to me.
Since my friends who awarded me are form Croatia, and because I belive that most friends in this region will be presented with this award - I would like to send this award all around the world!
I am forwarding this award to 11 of my blogging friends at all continents:
Europe: from Romania, from Italy, from Portugal, from Greece.
North America: from USA, from Canada.
South America: from Brasil.
from South Africa.
Oceania: from New Zeland.
Asia: from Indonesia,
I hope you will accept this award and forward it even further!
And now, my dear frinds, I have questions for you to answer!!
1. Do you prefer the region you live in or would you like to move somewhere else?
2. Do you live in urban or rural area? What do you prefer?
3. Do you live in a house or a flat? What do you prefer?
4. Are you an outdoor type?
5. Mountains or sea, why?
6. Book or TV?
7. Would you like to grow your own food?
8. Poetry or prose?
9. Having kids is....
10. Cleaning or crafting :) ?
11. I plan to...
Skoro sam zaboravila na svoju treću nagradu koja je stigla od DRAGANE, autorice krasnog vrta!
2. Do you live in urban or rural area? What do you prefer?
3. Do you live in a house or a flat? What do you prefer?
4. Are you an outdoor type?
5. Mountains or sea, why?
6. Book or TV?
7. Would you like to grow your own food?
8. Poetry or prose?
9. Having kids is....
10. Cleaning or crafting :) ?
11. I plan to...
Skoro sam zaboravila na svoju treću nagradu koja je stigla od DRAGANE, autorice krasnog vrta!
But, I almost forgot my third award, comming from DRAGANA, author of great garden!

Feel free to take this award, too!
Let it fly all around this beautiful planet!
And if you still feel you don't know me that much, you can read all
Feel free to take this award, too!
Let it fly all around this beautiful planet!
And if you still feel you don't know me that much, you can read all
Thanks for visiting
and hope we will have some great times together!
Lots of hugs,
Thank you Ana for the award!
ReplyDeleteI accept it with pleasure ;)
I'm coming...I'm coming!!!!Thank you for the onor
ReplyDeleteBig Kiss from Greece, have a nice week
I am sooooooooooo glad :))
ReplyDeleteObožavam ovakve postove! Volim da čitam o tim sitnim stvarima koje čine da se razlikujemo, o dogodovštinama...
ReplyDeleteI ja! uvijek si mislim - "I ja isto, i ja isto!...." :))
DeleteThank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the Liebster Award ! Also thank you for linking up at our Let's Get Social Sunday party :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you Ana! I am honored!
ReplyDeleteThanks to this rain of awards I've learned so much about you... I can imagine you walking very quickly, in a town you chose from several ones in different countries (hm.... a little envy!) and thinking of medium size boats for fun cruises, with your natural shade colored hair in the wind :) Thank you for including me - I received the award last year from Jutta in Africa (talk about your great idea with the continents). But I need to answer tomorrow to every question ;)
ReplyDeleteI am very happy that you like this award, girls!
ReplyDeletehahaha, ovaj mamin biser ti je super :D
ReplyDeletei meni :D
Deleteizrečeno prije 20tak godina, ali još uvijek aktualan :))
Cestitam na nagradama! Citam tvoje odgovore, i kad smo vec kod bisera nasih majki imam i ja jedan na istu temu. Kada smo joj brat i ja trazili, isto tako kasno, da jedemo, ona je rekla-Jedite sta hocete, drugo nema nista. I dan danas pominjemo ovaj biser.
ReplyDeletehahaha, treba to stvarno zapamtiti.
Deleteja sam u srednjoj školi imala mali notes u kojem smo sestrična i ja zapisivale "bisere" naših babe, dide, didovog brata - plaćemo od smijeha i dan danas; bilo je tu i nekih ludih starinskih izreka, čudnih poslovica, svega...
Dear Ana, thank you so much. You are so kind to me. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your award. fun post! Hugs and thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo