Dječja dekica a la Emily / Baby blanket a la Emily

Ovo je jedna od najljepših dekica koje sam ikada vidjela / napravila.
Inspiracija mi je bila Emily sa Nap-Time Creations,
a kako ju je ona napravila pogledajte OVDJE.

This is the most beautiful baby blanket design that I have ever seen / made.
My inspiration was Emily at Nap-Time Creations. THIS is how she made it.


 Čim sam vidjela ovaj točkasti materijal, znala sam da je kao stvoren za dekicu 
jedne vrlo posebne curice koja se rodila prije mjesec dana.
U skladu sa tim bojama sam kupila i tri boje flanela:
bijeli, zeleni i žuti.

As soonest as I saw this dotted fabric, I knew that is just right for this blanket, 
ment for a very special little girl born only a month ago.
According to its colors, I also purchased flannel in
white, green and yellow color.

Izrezala sam materijale na dimenzije 80x100 cm i oprala ih.
Neki su se manje, a neki i više stisnuli :(

I cut all of fabrics in 80x100 cm and washed them.
They shrinked differently, sadly :(

Odlučila sam da će žuti materijal biti najgornji, 
pa sam na njemu iscrtala crte po kojima će se poslije šiti.
Crte su položene pod 45° u odnosu na tkanje flanela,
iz razloga što će se poslije flanel rezati, pa da se ne vrze (isjecka).

I decided to put yellow flannel up,
so I drew some lines to help me sew afterwards.
These lines are at 45° (degrees) related to flannel weaving,
so it doesn't shred later on.

Posložila sam materijale jedan na drugi;
prvo točkasti pamučni, onda bijeli flanel, pa zeleni i žuti.

I lay fabric like this; fist comes dotted fabric, 
then white flannel, then green and yellow.

Tada sam ih sve prihvatila pribadačama.

Then I secured them all with pins.

 I prošila sam ih po crti.

I sew along the lines.

Ovo je dekica koju sam dobila; ima 4 sloja materijala.

This is the blanket I got; it has 4 layers of fabric.

Tada sam odrezala višak materijala,
 tako da je dekica postala manja od željene veličine.
Ali, pozitivna strana je da su se materijali stisli na vrijeme, 
odnosno, bolje prije šivanja, nego poslije :)

Then I cut off the fabric excess,
so my baby blanket got smaller then I planned.
But, the bright side is that those fabrics shrinked at time,
well, better before sewing, then later on :)

Odlučila sam malo zaobliti uglove.

I decided to round the edges.

I tako je na red došao najinteresantniji dio ove dekice;
između svake prošivke, točno po sredini sam izrezala gornja 2 materijala - žuti i zeleni.
Dobili smo volančiće!

And this is the most interesting part of blanket making;
right between sewed lines, I cut the 2 upper fabrics - yellow and green.
We've got some ruffles now!

Poslije sam opšila rubove kosom trakom u narančastoj boji - i dekica je gotova!

Then I made binding in orange color - and baby blanket is all done!

Točkasti dio je ustvari donja strana dekice.

Dotted fabric is actually bottom side of the blanket.

Ovako se beba treba pokriti, volančići prema vani.

This is how baby is supposed to be covered with it, ruffels at the outside.

Dekica na suncu :D

Blanket at the sun :D

Vjerujem da će ovi volančići više doći do izražaja kad se dekica još jednom opere.

I belive this ruffles will stand out more when blanked is washed once more.

Kako vam se sviđa?

How do you like it?


This blanket was featured at:


  1. Sviđa,sviđa,još kako!!!
    Nisam skoro videla nešto tako dobro!
    Kakva čuda mogu makaze da naprave kad sarađuju s tobom:)

  2. Kako je medena :) Stvarno si je odlično napravila!

  3. Ana, legendo! Stvarno si žena zmaj kad je šivenje u pitanju!

    Dekica je lepa, a ja planiram da, pošto sam ranije pravila ovakve, napravim neke pokrivače, jer imamm ostatke pamučnog materijala iz konfekcije. Samo da dobijem vremena.

  4. Ovo je fantasticno,tako dobra ideja,a jos ko ume da sije :))) Svaka cast :)

  5. Hvala, cure! <3 <3 <3 <3
    Ova mi je dekica posebna, a kad se sve propremi, samo šivanje ne traje dugo niti je prezahtjevno.

  6. Bas je originalno, a tvoja izvedba, dovedena do savrsenstva, kao i uvek. Dodko kod mene na EX YU party...

  7. So lovely, Ana! Spring colors are gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing the great tutorial!
    Have a fabulous week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  8. This baby blanket is great, so trendy!
    Tx for sharing,

  9. I love your bright color combinations! I am sure it will be loved by the special baby girl!

  10. Divno si ovo izvela.Narocito sa ovim seckanjem.To do sada nisam videla.Sve cestitke:))

  11. Ja sam potpuno oduševljena i zadivljena!! Svaka čast, nisam nikada videla ovako nešto i zaista je predivno. Verujem da će bebica uživati! :)

  12. Svojski si se potrudila da "skineš" ovaj rad.Po ko zna koji put si me očarala svojim umećem šivenja..Bravo,Ana!!

  13. Hvala, cure! Dajete mi vjetar u jedra!
    Thank you all!

  14. Divim se tvom umijeću, dekica je stvarno preslatka, posebna:) I kako si je lijepo slikala:)

  15. lOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! the fabric is adorable!!! thanks for letting me know :o)

  16. the color anf the pattern are so sweet. Thank you for sharing and joining in the fun at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop xo

  17. Thank you for sharing this on Get Crafty Friday! I love this project it's so cute. Have a wonderful weekend!


  18. Love! I've had one of these blankets on my list for a while but still haven't gotten around to it :) Thanks for linking up!

    -Missy @ So You Think You're Crafty

  19. Sweet little blanket with adorable rounded corners! A frind of mine painted her new born daughter's room a soft shade of yellow and I was thinking to myself: This is the best color ever for babies ever!

  20. What a neat idea! Darling blanket. :)


  21. I love it! That is one gorgeous baby blanket and such pretty fabric too! I have never tried that technique, but I don't sew very much!

  22. great tutorial and great to use little bits that you have that you can hide under the layers. the kids love the fuzzy edges too-

  23. The blanket is adorable! I used to make baby blankets, and then stopped sewing altogether as I got into other crafts and cooking/baking - maybe I should make some again ;-) Thank you for sharing at our ALL MY BLOGGY FRIENDS party !

  24. Thanks so much for sharing at Project Inspired @ Setting for Four.
    I hope you are having a fantastic Easter, and can join me Monday evening 8 pm EST for Project Inspired #8! :D

  25. Such a pretty blanket...Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope you’ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick

  26. its really adorable.. i liked your blog... you have shown a beautiful creativity...
    also take a look on personalised baby blankets , baby blankets... and will come back sure for more....


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