Sveti Nikola je stigao!

St. Nicholas has arrived!

Prije puno godina, dok Djed Mraz još nije sa Sjevernog pola pronašao naše malo mjesto,
Sveti Nikola je dolazio djeci i stavljao im poklone na prozor.
Many many years ago, long before Santa Clause found his way to our little village,
Saint Nicholas used to put childrens' presents on the window.

Djeca su sinoć stavila svoje najveće moguće čizme na prozor.
A jutros ih je dočekalo ovo:
My kids put their most biggest boots on a window last night.
And this is what they were waiting for:

Sveti Nikola je došao, svakom je donio po nešto i, za svaki slučaj, šibu.
St. Nicholas has arrived, put some presents into boots and a small twig, just in case.

Sveti Nikola je bio biskup koji je sve svoje zemaljsko blago
podijelio siromašnima.
Zaštitnik je djece i pomoraca.
Kod nas uvijek dolazi morskim putem,
pa ga djeca čekaju na obali.

St. Nicholas was a bishop who was born in a wealthy family
and who donated all his material possesions to the poor.
He is also a patron of children and sea men.
That's whay he always comes to our village by ship.
Children are waiting for him at the pear.
(This photos were taken 11 yrs ago, when my daughter
was in kindergarten.)
Naravno, tu je i Krampus.
Ovaj, srećom, ima samo plastične lance kojima plaši djecu.
Ima i pregršt šiba, za one koji nisu bili baš dobri.
With St. Nicholas comes a little devil - Krampus.
He has a chains to scare off the children.
Nowadays they are plastic, but they were real in past time.
Krampus also has a lot of twings,
he gives those to children that weren't good.

Pošto je Sveti Nikola biskup, ima biskupsku kapu i štap
i najčešće nosi bijelu odjeću.
Djeci dijeli poklone.
Since St. Nicholas was a bishop, he has a bishop hat,
usually wears white clothes and has a bishop cane.
He gives children presents.
Neka djeca se plaše Krampusa.
Some kids are scared of Krampus.
Neka djeca uživaju.
Some kids enjoy themselfes.
A što je sa roditeljima?
Mi smo isto nešto dobili u naše čizmice jutos..
Šiba je valjda obavezna za sve mame i tate.
What about the parents?
Well, we too have got our presents.
But, I belive twings for Moms and Dads are obligatory as well.
Nadamo se da će Sveti Nikola doći i slijedeće godine.
We hope that St. Nicholas will find his way to our home again next year.


  1. divni prizori! i kod mojih nećaka je bilo veselo, Niko ih je posjetio na pet lokacija, još se bore s dojmovima!

    1. blago njima, na 5 lokacija ??! Sv. Niko sve više poprima obilježja Supermena ;)

  2. This year I was hiding my boots, because I was naughty and St. Nicholas would bring me a wooden stick :)))) I thought that only in Romania we had this tradition with St. Nicholas, I'm so happy that you do the same!

    1. Many many european nations have this tradition. It began long before Santa Claus came along.
      And I don't belive you were naughty. A person who constantly moves around furniture, grows flowers and has cats, just can't be that bad ;)

  3. Super! Kod vas je bas veselo..vec sada ima poklona.Mnooogo ste slatki svi:)Pozdrav

    1. et, vidiš, kod nas to traje i traje i traje haha. a još za par dana dolazi i Sv. Lucija!

  4. Ništa bez štapa,da se nađe...:)))
    Pokloni,pokloni-nikad dosta!

  5. Slatke i vesele fotke :) Baš lijepo od Nikole što vam je svima donio po sitnicu :))

  6. Hoće, hoće, doći će, siurno! I mi ga očekujemo 19. decembra. Znamo da je zaštitnik pomoraca, ali u planine teško da će stići brodom, pa nam je tog dana riba glavna hrana i posni dan.

    Inače, to je jedna od najčešćih slava kod Srba i veoma poštovan svetac.

    1. da, vrlo je poznat u ovim djelovima Europe, ipak je on tu stigao prije Djeda Mraza

  7. Doći će doći kao i svake godine :)

  8. Kako je lijepo vidjeti ovakve fotografije pune radosti!

    Osvoji nakit: >> GIVEAWAY <<

    1. hvala, ipak je ovo nekako nasvečaniji dio godine

  9. Mislim da bi se mi roditelji trebali udružiti i glastai protiv šiba.Pa i ja hoću čokolade.

  10. I have so enjoyed your post and learning more about your amazing celebrations during this holiday season! I love it. Thank you so much for sharing again this week at A Bouquet of Talent!! Have a wonderful weekend.


  11. Thanks for sharing this at Sweet Saturday. I was just reading about the origins of Santa Claus and I read all about this. There is a video I used to watch as a kid that tells a story similar to this, but without Krampus :D I love that you guys put out you actual boots- we put red stockings up in our house.

  12. Lovely story. In my childhood, we used to put our boots and shoes under the chimney on Christmas eve, but to be honest I'd never seen this tradition before until you showed yours by the window. Not exactly the same, it still made me smile.
    Thank you for sharing at the Holidays Celebration Link Party. Pinned!


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